Epigenomic and Transcriptomic Atlas of Human Heart Organogenesis

Video Tutorial for UCSC Track Hubs

Individual Links

Imputed Signal Tracks, Chromatin State Segmentations, and Gene Expression are available on GEO: GSE37731 and GSE138799

Load our data into the UCSC genome browser using track hub functionality (all chromatin data in hg19, RNA-seq in hg19 and hg38):

  • Human Heart ChIP-Seq, Chromatin State Segmentations, and Gene Expression: hub file

Jump to your favorite gene in a new browser window (Please email for more gene-specific links):


Open in a new window

Differential Expression Tables

Differential Expression Interactive Volcano Plots

GINI Scores

GINI Functional Enrichments

WGCNA Violet Module Functional Enrichments

WGCNA Violet Module PPI

Chromatin Sequencing QC

Gene Expression Sequencing QC