The Cotney lab welcomes Emma Wentworth and Nagham Khouri Farah. Nagham will be jointly advised by Dr. James Li.
Author: jcotney
Congrats Tara!
Tara passed her qualifying exam and is now officially a PhD Candidate in the Genetics and Developmental Biology AoC at UConn Health. Great job Tara!
Tara Yankee joins lab
The Cotney Lab welcomes Tara to the lab for her thesis research!
Grad Student Andrea wins the 2018 Lepow Award!
Congrats to Andrea for winning the 2018 Lepow Award at Graduate Student Research Day. Lepow Award is given out annually at UConn Health for Outstanding Rising Fourth Year Biomedical Science PhD Student. Keep up the good work!
Brain region specific enhancer paper out in Current Biology
Work out today from our collaboration with the Kentros Lab at @NTNU and @uoregon identifying region specific enhancers in the mouse brain. Congrats Stefan!
Human Craniofacial Epigenome Atlas Published
Our work on analyzing the epigenome of human craniofacial development is out today today in Cell Reports. Congrats to everyone who contributed to this work. Looking forward to many more publications to come!
Genome Browser Tutorial Posted
Please check out our YouTube video tutorial for loading and using our Craniofacial Epigenomics Atlas. If you have questions or suggestions for future videos or gene shortcuts please let us know.
Cotney Lab Among 5 Labs at UConn Health/JAXGM awarded MIRA
The Cotney lab was featured in UConn Today along with other labs from UConn Health and JAXGM that were recently awarded R35 MIRA grants. Congrats to all these great labs! Looking forward to great science from all in the New Year!

We Escaped! Holiday outing for Cotney and Pinter Labs
The Cotney and Pinter Labs enjoyed lunch at Bar Taco West Hartford and a great team building experience at Mission Escape Games West Hartford . We escaped Dr. Jekyll’s Hideout without any hints and 12:35 to spare! Great work everyone!
Andrea wins poster prize at retreat!
Congrats to Andrea on winning the top student poster at the Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences annual retreat! The retreat was held December 6th at the Farmington Marriott. Talks by JAXGM‘s Bill Skarnes, GGS’s Sandra Garrett, and graduate student Emaly Peicuch, posters by postdocs and graduate students, and interactions amongst members of UConn Health and JAXGM made for an excellent retreat. Thanks to Isolde Bates for all your work organizing the event.